Monday, 23 May 2011

How To Increase Your Sales By Successful Marketing

The one thing that every business needs is sales, without sales you have no business! So... how do you successfully attract new customers to your product or service? The simple answer is, you need an attention-grabbing marketing / advertising campaign using the right words to trigger the emotions of potential buyers.
One of the most successful exponents of this art is Ted Nicholas, the words he has used in both the headlines and main copy of his sales letters have motivated people to buy $5.9 Billion of his and other peoples products since he began in 1973.
Ted is in no doubt that the most important part of a sales letter is the headline. The words in the headline must grab the attention and stir up the emotions of the prospective buyer... If they don't the chances are very remote that they will actually read the sales letter. It is essential that your passion for your product or service comes through to whoever is reading your sales copy.
Remember, it doesn't matter how fantastic your product or service is, if you don't make people aware that you have something wonderful to offer, how can you expect them to come beating a path to your door.
Most potential buyers are not interested how fantastic you think your product is. They are only interested in finding a solution to their problem, or how your product will improve their quality of life.
As well as selling the benefits of your product you most also show examples of how your product has actually helped people in the past. That is why testimonials are like gold!
The key to a successful advertising / marketing campaign boils down to these vital ingredients.
An attention-grabbing headline
How your product / service will benefit the customer, or solve their problem
Proof of how the product has actually helped previous customers
The product has a robust guarantee - in other words the potential customer is more likely to trust you and commit to buy if they are offered a guarantee as they feel that they will be taking less of a risk!
There is no rocket science here... just solid products / services and effective communication. These proven methods have been tried and tested by all of the worlds successful marketers over many years. One of the very best, Ted Nicholas has achieved phenomenal success not only with his own products, but he has been retained by many "blue chip" companies to write their compelling advertising and marketing campaigns.
The strategies he uses can be adopted by anyone to sell any product or service.
By Steve Remson

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